Moment of Truth

Thursday, May 23, 2002:

This is my college personal statement. IM me and tell me what u think. (wonton55)I haven't turned it in yet so....oh and thanks to my chinese dawg (and numerous other ppl) for helping me with this...i owe u a big one.

A Math Lesson About Life

Ever since the 7th grade I have gone to a math tutor named Mr. Ou. The second I walked into his classroom I knew his tutoring service was going to be unlike any other. Not only did he teach me how to solve linear equations, but he also revealed to me just how much a caring teacher can change a pupil's life.
The first day I went to Mr. Ou's tutoring service, he started by giving me a lecture on how to do anything correctly. "Mind-set", he said, " is the most important thing for doing anything in life, not just math. Once you have the appropriate mindset, you’ll be set in accomplishing any task…there will be nothing to stop you." Though I truly believed his words, I did not think establishing such a mindset was possible for me. As I spent more time with Mr. Ou, however, I slowly began to put his wisdom to practice. In my junior year I had a revelation: Mr. Ou was right. It was not about having the brains, it was understanding—knowing—that I was capable of attaining whatever goal I aspired to achieve. Finally realizing I did have the requisite knowledge, motivation, and skills, I set out to prove I could succeed. Everything clicked together for me. My self-esteem had been steadily improving since junior high, but in my junior year I at last crucified my notions of inferiority. I earned a 4.00 GPA that year.

I learned a lot more than math at Mr. Ou's-I learned the definition of a moral human being. One lesson that I will never forget is the story of his robbing, which best characterizes his noble nature and selfless lifestyle. One day while in his car, a man came up to Mr. Ou with a knife and demanded all his money. Mr. Ou immediately gave the man all the cash he had, but also gave him his phone number, address, and name, asking the robber to call if he needed anything. The robber phoned the following week in tears and he told Mr. Ou how his act of kindness had completely changed him; he was now going to try to live a righteous life. When I heard this story I thought, "What kind of person could be so loving to a stranger who had just threatened to kill him?" Then as I grew to know Mr. Ou even more, I saw that he was exactly that kind of person. He drives cancer patients to the hospital on weekends and tutors children for free when their parents can't afford to pay. I try to be worthy of his example, teaching Sunday school at my church, helping out at the local hospital on the weekends, and trying to be there for anyone that needs me - no matter how busy I am. Mr. Ou truly inspires me to do good, when he exerts himself with such genuine passion and enthusiasm. Although I don’t think I can ever be the man Mr. Ou is, I do know that my mindset has been changed, thanks to him. I finally understand what is perhaps the simplest lesson Mr. Ou had to teach me: Love saves, love redeems, and it deserves to be given as much as it is received.
When I first met Mr. Ou, I was a boy seeking only mathematical information. I left him as a man touched by his extraordinary example. The kind of person he is, a selfless, intelligent, and altruistic, is what I endeavor to become.

john // 10:01 PM


so today i had a small group meeting with brent, matt and albert. man it went really well. we were all really honest with each other about the problems in the youth group. i feel that there is gonna be a change at 3rd home soon. u know i still can't believe im gonna be leading small groups this friday night with nate. it just seems crazy that God would use someone as sinful as me to do some good at church. I hope it all goes ok....actually i know it will, for He is with me.

A pretty interesting thing happened to me today. mr. howell, my bio teacher accused me of doing some illict activities in the classroom. at the beginning of the period he gave this whole speech on how he has already caught the trouble makers and that they are gonna get punished. then after class he pulled me and evan lai aside and told us to expect to have a long serious conversation with him soon. when i asked him what i did all he said was " u know" and then when i said "i didn't know", he replied, "Don't play innocent with me." Oh well....i guess tomorrow i will find out what i did. i know i haven't done anything wrong so im not scared. the truth will come out and set me free. even if he does punish me inside i know that i have told the truth. gonna go do hw...later

(On a side note: Has anyone noticed that all chinese teachers talk like yoda? they always have their sentence clauses reversed or messed up, just like the jedi master)

john // 6:14 PM


Wednesday, May 22, 2002:

Actions have reactions
Don't be quick to judge
You may not know the hardships
People don't speak up
It's best to step back
And observe with couth
For we all must meet our moment of truth

Sometimes you gotta dig deep, when problems come near
Don't fear things get severe for everybody everywhere
Why do bad things happen, to good people?
Seems that life is just a constant war between good and evil
The situation that I'm facin, is mad amazin
to think such problems can arise from minor confrontations

Now I'm contemplatin in my bedroom pacin
Dark clouds over my head, my heart's racin
Suicide? Nah, I'm not a foolish guy
Don't even feel like drinking, or even gettin high
Cause all that's gonna do really, is accelerate
the anxieties that I wish I could alleviate
But wait, I've been through a whole lot of other sh*t, before

So I oughta be able, to withstand some more
But I'm sweatin though, my eyes are turnin red and yo
I'm ready to lose my mind but instead I use my mind
I put down the knife, and take the bullets out my nine
My only crime, was that I'm too damn kind
And now some skanless motherf*ckers wanna take what's mine
But they can't take the respect, that I've earned in my lifetime
And you know they'll never stop the furious force of my rhymes
So like they say, every dog has it's day
And like they say, God works in a mysterious way
So I pray, remembering the days of my youth
As I prepare to meet my moment of truth


john // 8:05 PM


So i just changed my template from girly baby blue to manly navy blue.. hope it looks aite.
john // 7:56 PM


Wow, this is my first time using this thing. Lets see if this works
john // 7:52 PM


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